Chag Hannukah Sameach!!! 2022 – 5783

Chag Hannukah Sameach!!!!!! Okay, I admit it…. this message is a day late into our beloved Hannukah, but I was ridiculously busy between work and last-minute preparations, plus celebrating with my own family, I had zero time to write this. I did however keep all of you in my heart and in my mind, and…

A Jew at Christmas

  As a Jew with a Christian mother and uncles, I honor them by going over to their house to help celebrate their holiday. I only say, “Merry Christmas,” on Christmas day because Hannukah for the Jews, Yule to Pagans, Kwanzaa for African-Americans, all fall around the same timeframe. Most of the time I say,…

This last night of Hanukkah

Tonight is the last night of Hanukkah and I have learned not to let the gift-giving and commercialization infect the true meaning of the holiday. I’ve been talking to my kids about the historical meaning of the holiday, but tonight I will be talking about the religious/spiritual aspects of Hanukkah. It’s not about gifts, it’s…

5th night of Hannukah

Hannukah has been nonstop going in our house and tonight…night 5 is no different. Above was an incredible site by constitution plaza we found, while visiting the liberty bell here in Philadelphia and we needed a family picture there. Well, I have to get back to the heated games of dreidel we have going here…


    Chag Hannukah Sameach!!! My family’s first night of Hannukah was a rousing success and so much fun for all six of us. My daughters both said “BEST DAY EVER!” and my sons can’t wait for more Hanukah celebrations to come in the next 7 nights. We have a Hannukah room set up in…

Hannukah, oh Hannukah!

  Hannukah is mere days away and we’re excited beyond words to celebrate our first of many. My whole family has been studying the history and meaning behind every bit of the holiday and my four kids are bursting to light the hanukiah. We’re even translating our old tradition of making sugar cookies and instead…

Hannukah and upcoming concert

  Shalom everyone, Hannukah is fast approaching on November 28th, and it’s holiday after holiday back to back (thanksgiving, Shabbat, Hannukah) and we’re soooooo ready to celebrate the miracle of lights. We know it’s a minor holiday in Judaism, but our house is decorated and gifts are gotten, dreidels and gelt are ready and as…