Bad news…


Yesterday I’d gone to an optometrist to get checked up and get new glasses, I opted for a special laser scan of my eyes and a thorough check-up was underway. Afterward, I was sitting in the optometrist’s office and she’d first went on to tell me that my left eye (which I’m blind in) is in the process of dying and will eventually lose its color (No big surprise). She then asked if she could speak to me about my working eye (Which has 15% vision currently) and proceeded to say my astigmatism is nearly 3-times as bad as it was just five years ago. 

I was taken back for a minute and she fiddled with a test pair of glasses with slides and put them on me to verify her findings. I saw very clear and walked around her office without issues (that wasn’t wholly a good thing). She confirmed her findings that my astigmatism is an odd rare type that progressively gets worse, and that I will continue to lose my vision in my only working eye. It’s fairly fast-moving, but I can slow the progress and help both of my eyes by wearing sunglasses the whole time I am outside. 

So, I have new glasses being made, new sunglasses on the way, and I am going fully blind…

I am processing this information currently, it’s hard honestly, but my new hearing aids work great, my back is healed and doing phenomenal… but in the near future, I will be blind. As an artist and martial artist, this is pretty heavy stuff to be going through, but I cannot thank Hashem enough for healing my back and for the hearing aids that have given me back so much life. I now will pray for the strength to endure this process of losing my vision, and for my family, who will have to make adjustments to our daily life. 

Work will continue on this website, even when my vision is gone… that will not change!


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